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Diary: Sulaymaniya’s contemporary art scene engages with its recent past

Ruya Foundation’s chairman Tamara Chalabi continues her diary about her research trip in Iraq with curator Jonathan Watkins, for the Pavilion of Iraq: In Sulaymaniya, the designated cultural capital of Kurdistan in the north-eastern corner of Iraq, we visited Zamwa Gallery. Many of the artists represented here create work that engages with the recent history of…

Diary: Meeting artists in Erbil

Ruya Foundation’s chairman Tamara Chalabi continues her diary about her research trip in Iraq with curator Jonathan Watkins, for the Pavilion of Iraq: Kurdistan is a politically autonomous region in the north of Iraq. Despite decades of violent civil unrest, rebellion and repression, Kurdistan is now home to a small but thriving cultural scene with some…

Diary: The arts scene in Hilla

Ruya Foundation’s chairman Tamara Chalabi continues her diary about her research trip in Iraq with curator Jonathan Watkins, for the Pavilion of Iraq: Hilla is a modern city, south of Baghdad on the bank of the Euphrates, close to the ancient cities of Babylon, Kish and Borsippa. It is the capital of the Babil province and…

Diary: Babylon, Iraq’s ancient city

Ruya Foundation’s chairman Tamara Chalabi continues her diary about her research trip in Iraq with curator Jonathan Watkins, for the Pavilion of Iraq: The itinerary for our first research trip included Babylon, one of Iraq’s ancient cities, located 55 miles south of Baghdad in the Babil province. Thought to be the cradle of civilization, 2,600 years…