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News, Portfolio 

Happy Birthday, Rifat Chadirji

Rifat Chadirji, one of the most important living architects from Iraq, turned 90 this month. As an architect and planning consultant Chadirji played a central role in the urban development of Baghdad from the 1950s to the 70s. He created a new urban aesthetic for the city, which was a synthesis of Modernist principles and…

Ruya Foundation announces artists for National Pavilion of Iraq 2017

The Ruya Foundation is pleased to announce the participating artists for the National Pavilion of Iraq at the 57th Venice Biennale in May 2017. The exhibition, ‘Archaic’, will display the work of eight Modern and contemporary Iraqi artists in dialogue with ancient Iraqi artefacts. It will also include a new commission by internationally acclaimed Belgian-born…

December Cartoon Series: Art Critics

For the month of December, Ruya has commissioned a weekly cartoon series on Art Critics, by Baghdad-based caricaturist Khudair Alhimyari. Below, the artist and the audience are sat together but the critic’s seat is empty. The artist calls out ‘We miss you!” to the critic.

Two Artist-Led Exhibitions in Sulaymaniya Signal an Artistic Revival in the City

The Shaab Teaouse is a popular teahouse in the city of Sulaymaniya. Opened in the 1950s, its patrons include famous Kurdish poets such as Faek Bekas, his son Sherko Bekas and Akhol Shaeb. During the civil war in the 1990s, the teahouse served as the unofficial headquarters of the PUK. Hung in several rows along…